Professor Richard Arthur
Faculty of Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Koforidua
Technical University
Current Position
Dean – Faculty of Engineering
Former Positions
▪ Vice Dean- Faculty of Engineering
▪ Head of Department – Energy Systems Engineering
Areas of Research
▪ Anaerobic degradation of agricultural residues
▪ Optimization and stabilization of full-scale biogas plants
▪ Thermochemical biomass conversion techniques
▪ Solid and liquid waste treatment
▪ Circular economy with focus on bioenergy
▪ Remote sensing/GIS techniques for bioenergy resources assessment
Courses Teaching
▪ Engineering Thermodynamics
▪ Biogas Production and Utilization
▪ Energy Audit
▪ Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
▪ Institute of Engineering and Technology
▪ Fellow: International Climate Fellow (Alexander von Humbolt Foundation)
Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany PhD Environmental Biotechnology and Resources Management | 2013- 2017 |
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana MSc. Mechanical Engineering- (‘Thermo-fluids and Energy Systems’ option) | 2007- 2009 |
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany AvH International Climate Fellowship | 2012-2013 |
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana BSc. Chemical Engineering | 1999- 2003 |
Teaching Experience
Koforidua Technical University, Koforidua, Ghana Senior Instructor | 2009-2010 |
Koforidua Technical University, Koforidua, Ghana Lecturer | 2010- 2011 |
Koforidua Technical University, Koforidua, Ghana Senior Lecturer | 2011-2022 |
Other Activities
▪ Reviewer for several journals
▪ Guest Editor: MDPI – Processes (Special Edition – Innovations in
Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Emissions during Biogas Production and
▪ Selection Committee member: International Climate Protection (ICP)
Fellowship programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – AvH
▪ Chairman/Member of different Committees at Koforidua Technical
▪ External Assessor for Master/PhD research in different universities
Collaboration project: NRW Partnerships for Supporting Technical Universities
in Ghana (H2K)
H2K’Project- (07.2017-06.2021): The objective of the cooperation is to strengthen the alignment of the practice-oriented approach of teaching and learning in Technical Universities in Ghana to the Applied Science Universities in the North Rhein-Westphalia (NRW) State in Germany. The clear and committed outcomes are the establishment the new study course mechatronics at the Koforidua Technical University; Set up of e-learning content and share it across the sites of the project partners; finalise a concept for further innovative degree programs; establish a vital exchange programme for students as and lecturers; perform faculty trainings and workshops in order to support the improvement of the organisational structures, tailor-made to the demands of the project partners; analyse the local economy and identify potential partners for cooperation; and Identify and initiate further joint cooperation projects (incl. R&D projects). Universities involved are: Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences in Germany (HSHL), Ho Technical Universities in Ghana (HTU) and Koforidua Technical Universities in Ghana (KTU).
Collaboration project: Why@Volta. Localization, quantification and
exploitation of water hyacinths in the Volta River based on remote
sensing data
Why@Volta (06.2020- 05.2022). The project aims at the biogas production from water hyacinths for the sustainable economic development of communities along the Volta River in Ghana. On the one hand, the aim is to combat the invasion of water hyacinths on the waters which leads to severe ecological and economic damage. On the other hand, settlements along the Volta River that are not yet connected to the power grid could be supplied with energy and the living conditions of their inhabitants could be sustainably improved. In this joint project Koforidua Technical University (KTU) and Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (HSHL) will localize and quantify the water hyacinth biomass in affected water surfaces in the Volta region, determine the water hyacinth biomass and the biogas and methane potential of the water hyacinth biomass at local level and compare it with the energy requirements of settlements along the Volta River and design adapted bioreactors. Project was funded by BMBF (Germany) through the German African Innovation Incentives Award (GAIIA).
Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development in Ghana
GIZ Project (06.2023 – 08.2023).The objectives of this consultancy service are to conduct a needs assessment and market research in digital entrepreneurship with a focus on: The characteristics, needs and capacities of the target beneficiaries (women-owned MSMEs), Relevant stakeholders (intermediaries) for the implementation of GIZ’s planned project activities in the target regions, Digital solutions (products and services) providers (SP) in the market, Developing recommendations and tactics to incentivize particularly, but not limited to, Ghanaian SPs and intermediaries to get involved, engage in and contribute to GIZ’s project activities.
Competency Based Training Module for Improved Welding Service
Delivery in Ghana
GSDF Project (04.2023 – 03.2024). The project objective is to find sustainable solution to the perennial job and employment challenges of welders, by specifically providing training in MIG and TIG welding to artisans in collaboration with Ghana Garages Association and Ghana Welding Bureaux. Also, to upgrade KTU welding unit into a centre of excellence for research/building capacity of welders and unemployed youth. The Ghana Skills Development Fund (GSDF) furthermore, aims to bridge the gap between the demand for welding experts and availability of welding experts by training the youth and welders based on international standards and innovation.
Collaboration project: From Agricultural Waste to CO2-friendly Cement
(09.2023 – 08.2025) The proposed project aims to identify and showcase opportunities within the production chain of green cement and concrete at industrial level. To develop synergies between local and international stakeholders, the respective supply chains, value chains and markets are involved. The implementation of such a process would make local communities less dependent on international materials movements and price versatility, while new livelihood potentials can be created, particularly at the intercept of greener urban growth and necessary rural development. Phase I is to: 1. Develop a process to obtain residual starchy components and other polysaccharides adhered to plant waste, and to convert them into plasticizers for concrete. 2. Develop a pyrolysis process to convert the leftovers of objective 1 into Pyrolysis gas (energy source), Pyrolysis resin (precursor for chemical processes, e.g., adhesives) Bio-char to be used either as fertiliser, as lightweight aggregate. Research partners: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing- Germany (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und – prüfung, BAM), Koforidua Technical University (KTU) and KNUST (Uni in Kumasi-Ghana). Public Partners: Ghana Standards Authority and KTU.
Erasmus Plus (Joint Research and Staff/Students Exchange)
1. Erasmus + KA 107 (09.2019 – 08.2021). Koforidua Technical University (KTU) in Ghana and Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
2. Erasmus + KA 171 (09.2023- 08.2025). Koforidua Technical University (KTU) in Ghana and Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
3. Erasmus + (2019 – 2022). Establishment of Renewable Energy Education Framework (REEF)- Cross-University cooperation in Ghana for Sustainable curriculum focus. Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences (HSD) in Germany, Koforidua Technical University (KTU), Cape Coast Technical University (CCTU), University of Cape Coast (UCC) in Ghana.
4. Erasmus + (09.2023- 08.2025) Koforidua Technical University (KTU) in Ghana and Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg in Germany.
▪ Blissbern Appiagyei Osei-Owusu, Martina Francisca Baidoo, Arthur R. Sampson Oduro-Kwarteng (2023) Physico-chemical characterization of selected feedstocks as co-substrates for household biogas generation in Ghana, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 16:1, 117-128, DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2023.2214167
▪ Kwofie, S.; Osei, G.; Nyamekye, C; Arthur R; Quansah, R; Bryniok D (2022). Water Hyacinth as a Potential Bioenergy Resource for Woodfuel Replacement in Communities Along the Volta Lake in Ghana. Waste and Biomass Valorization.
▪ Kwofie, S; Nyamekye, C; Appiah, LB; Owusu, F A; Arthur, R; Agyapong, E (2022). Urban growth nexus to land surface temperature in Ghana, Cogent Engineering, 9:1, 2143045, DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2022.2143045
▪ Scherer, P.; Schreiber, A.; Arthur, R.; Antonczyk, S.; Vollmer, G.-R (2022). Doubling the Space-Time Yield of a Pilot Biogas Reactor with Swine Manure and Cereal Residues by a Closed Loop Feedback Control Based on an Automated Fuzzy Logic Control System. Processes, 10, 2511.
▪ Arthur, R.; Antonczyk, S.; Off, S.; Scherer, P.A (2022). Mesophilic and Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Wheat Straw in a CSTR System with ‘Synthetic Manure’: Impact of Nickel and Tungsten on Methane Yields, Cell Count, and Microbiome. Bioengineering, 9, 13. https://
▪ Scherer PA, Arthur R, and Antonczyk S. (2021) Accelerated Biomethane Potential Assay for Straw with Artificially Flocculated Sludge and Defined ‘Synthetic Manure’. Bioresource Technology Reports, 100787, Doi: 10.1016/j.biteb.2021.100787
▪ Nyamekye C, Kwofie S, Agyapong E, Ofosu AS, Arthur R, Appiah BL (2021) Integrating support vector machine and cellular automata for modelling land cover change in the tropical rainforest under equatorial climate in Ghana. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 100052. Doi:10.1016/j.crsust.2021.100052
▪ Nyamekye C, Ofosu AS, Arthur R, Osei G, Appiah BL, Kwofie S, Ghansah B, Bryniok B (2021) Evaluating the spatial and temporal variations of aquatic weeds (Biomass) on Lower Volta River using multi-sensor Landsat Images and machine learning. Heliyon, 7(5), e07080. Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07080.
▪ Arthur R, Baidoo MF, Osei G, Boamah L, Kwofie S. Evaluation of potential feedstocks for sustainable biogas production in Ghana: quantification, energy generation and CO2 abatement. Cogent Environmental Science. 2020;6(01); 1-24. doi:10.1080/23311843.2020.1868162
▪ Arthur R, Scherer P. Monitoring Dissolved Active Trace Elements in Biogas Plants Using Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. X-Ray Spectrometry, 2020, 49:560–571. DOI:10.1002/xrs.3151
▪ Arthur R, Scherer P. Application of Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry to Quantify Cobalt Concentration in the Presence of High Iron Concentration in Biogas Plants. Spectroscopy Letters, 2020, 53 (2), 100–113 Doi:10.1080/00387010.2019.1700526
▪ Pabby J, Osei G, Arthur R, Ayetor G. Bioethanol Potential from Oil Palm Sap in Ghana. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2014, 4 (1); 54-60. Doi:10.5281/zenodo.4318880
▪ Osei G, Arthur R, Afrane G, Okoh Agyemang, E. Potential feedstocks for bioethanol production as a substitute for gasoline in Ghana. Renewable Energy, 2013, 55; 12-17.
▪ Okoh Agyemang E, Awuah E, Darkwah, L, Arthur R, Osei G. Water quantity auditing of a Ghanaian beverage plant. (IWA Publishing) Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2013, 3 (1): 35–41.
▪ Okoh Agyemang E, Awuah E, Darkwah, L, Arthur R, Osei G. Water Quality Assessment of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in a Ghanaian Beverage Industry. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 2013, 5 (5):272-279. DOI IJWREE-23.03.13-0401
▪ Arthur R, Glover K. Biomethane potential of the POME generated in the palm oil industry in Ghana from 2002 to 2009. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 111(1): 155-160.
▪ Arthur R., Baidoo M. F., Antwi E., Biogas as a potential renewable energy source: A Ghanaian case study, Renewable Energy, 2011, 36, 5, 1510-1516.
▪ Arthur R., Baidoo M. F., Brew-Hammond A., Bensah E. C., Biogas generation in four public universities in Ghana: A solution to potential health risk, Biomass and Bioenergy,2011, 35, 7, 3086-3093.
▪ Arthur R., Baidoo M. F., Harnessing methane generated from livestock manure in Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and Burkina Faso, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2011, 35, 11,4648-4656
▪ Arthur R, Brew-Hammond A. Potential biogas production from sewage sludge: A case study of the sewage treatment plant at Kwame Nkrumah University of science and technology, Ghana, International Journal on Energy and Environment, 2010,1(6): 1009-16
▪ Antwi E, Arthur R, Quansah A, Bensah K, Ahiekpor J. Ghana’s biofuels policy: challenges and the way forward, International Journal on Energy and Environment,2010,1(5): 805-14
link to Google Scholar Profile.